Customer service

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How do I place an order online?

Existing Affiliate Members or customers:

Existing Affiliate Members and customers will automatically have an account established in®. Do not create a new one. If you have not received your password, contact us by phone or email so we may activate your email address to your account and issue you a password.

Each account will have a main contact person who will be able to add or change users within an account. Once your account has been assigned a main contact person, it is this person’s responsibility to add all users and additional facilities, etc.

New customers:

Never purchased from us before or only used cash or credit card? Then you are considered a new customer. You may view products and retail prices without an account. When you’re ready to purchase, you’ll need to create an account. Once created, you may now shop at®.

How do I view product pricing that is specific to my account?

Retail prices are available at any time you visit. You can view the price of any product you are looking for and order products based on the price you see anytime. Customers with specific pricing for specific products may view all your prices after you log into your account.

How do I get a price list?

When you’ve logged in, click Request a Price List. You’ll be notified by email when your personal price list is ready. To access, you must be logged into your account.  Price lists are saved in My Files. They remain there until you delete them.