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Swim & Lifesaving Instructor Pack

Swim & Lifesaving Instructor Pack
Combined Pack: Swim & Lifesaving Instructor :
  • Required by candidates in the Lifesaving Society combined Swim Instructor and Lifesaving Instructor Course.
  • Includes Instructor Manual; Swim Patrol Guide; Bronze Medals Award Guide; First Aid Award Guide; Swim for Life Award Guide; Teaching Swim for Life; and Leadership binder.
  • Instructor Manual outlines the information instructors need to plan, deliver and evaluate any award with confidence.
  • Award Guides feature test items, purpose statements, “Must Sees” and teaching tips for most levels in the Lifesaving Society Swim and Lifesaving Program.
  • Leadership binder - 3-inch, 3-ring binder holds Instructor Manual and Award Guides.
  • Features inside cover pocket and outside lower spine pocket.
Trousse combinée du Moniteur en natation et du Moniteur en sauvetage
Price:CAD $99.00 /each Retail price:CAD $99.00
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Product code: 21.9302.10